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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১০ মার্চ ২০২৫



E-mail: trsumon@gmail.com, Phone: +8801817585685

Joint Secretary, Member of 20th BCS Administration Cadre (ID: 20362)




  • Post-“Doctoral” Attachment: Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium, University of Southern Alabama, USA (in 2011) on Cities & Climate Change
  • Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-ing), 2009-2013, Department of Urban Engineering and Regional Planning, TU Dortmund University, Germany.
  • Master of Science (Geo-Information Science) in Local/Regional Development Planning & Management (City, region, water and climate change), 2003-2005, Department of Urban Engineering and Regional Planning, TU Dortmund University, Germany
  • Master of Urban & Regional Planning Course, 1999-2001, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
  • Bachelor in Urban and Rural Planning, 1994-1998, Khulna University


  1.  Post & Telecommunications Division: From March 2023 to till date:
    1. Joint Secretary (Planning & Development Wing Chief, Additionally: Telecom Branch)
    2. Director (Additional Charge), Board of Directors, Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Ltd (BTCL)
    3. Director (Additional Charge), Board of Directors, Teletalk Bangladesh Limited
  2.  IMED, Ministry of Planning: 2021 to 2023: Director (Joint Secretary)
  3.  UNDP Bangladesh (On Lien) : 2017 to 2021: Programme Coordinator;  Managed 6 Projects related to Climate Mitigation (Renewable Energy), Adaptation at national and Local Level 
  4.  Economic Relations Division (ERD), Ministry of Finance: 2005 to 2009: Senior Assistant Chief
  5.  Bangladesh Planning Commission: about 6 years since 2001 in various capacities
  6.  Academic Involvement: Take classes as Guest Lecturer on Urban, Regional and Environmental Planning, Climate Change, Project Management, Monitoring & Evaluation, Procurement, Five-year Plan, Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100, SDG, Local Governance etc. and related courses at BUET, BRAC University and Jahangir Nagar University, Canadian University, North-South University, BPATC, RPATC, Admin Academy and NAPD occasionally.


  •   State, Market and Society in an Emerging Economy (Book), Authored a Chapter titled- Urbanisation, Governance, and Informality, Publisher- Routledge; 1st edition (26 July 2023), UK.
  • Urban governance and informal growth regulation in Dhaka (Book), 2013, A H Development Publishing House, Dhaka.
  • The Emergence of Informal Governance in Neighborhood Upgrading in Dhaka, Bangladesh, disP journal, "Megacities", vol. 187, issue 4, 2011: Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Online-GIS and Remote Sensing for Urban Good Governance, Paper Published in PLAN PLUS Journal, Vol iii, January 2006, Khulna University.
  • Web based-GIS and Remote Sensing for Flood management, Paper Published in City and Regional Planning Journal, Vol iii, 2005, Indonesia.
  • GIS for Local Level Planning and Management-A case study of Baler Municipality, Philippines. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Department or URP, University of Philippines.
  • Municipal GIS for Property Revenue Management-A case study on Khulna City Corporation. Unpublished Bachelor Degree Thesis, Department or URP, Khulna University.
  1. Extra-Curricular
  •  National Chess Player since 1994 with International FIDE Master title
  • Captain, Bangladesh National Chess Team for Chess Olympiad-2014 held in Azerbaijan